Baithak Foundation believes that music exposure and education are as important as mainstream education.

Since 2016, we are working towards creating a society with equitable music access and learning opportunities for children from the most marginalised communities.

Module 3 – Essential Kabir

Kabir is addressing people. He is speaking to the common man and at the same time he is speaking to a seeker. He is speaks to the yogi and also to a householder. Does his message change with the change in his audience? Or do the words change to suit the need of the listener?

What is the tool of transformation? How does one use it? This module will focus on the path suggested by Kabir.

नैहरवा हमका न भावै|| 

साईं की नगरी परम अति सुन्दर, जहाँ कोई जाय न आवै |

चाँद सूरज जहाँ पवन न पानी, को संदेस पहुंचावै दरद यह साईं को सुनावै|

I don’t belong to this world, this world where I live today. I yearn to be in the world of eternity. I long to meet my beloved!

हम परदेसी पंछी बाबा अणी देस रा नाही, हो जी!