The second module opens a discussion on Kabir’s influences. He speaks the language of Adwaita Siddhanta as well as that of Nātha Sampradāya Yogi. Which school of thought does he belong to? When Kabir speaks of Rām is he referring to Lord Rām of Ayodhya? Was Kabir a Bhakt, a devotee? If yes, whom did he worship?
जल में घट हैं घट में जल बाहर भीतर पानी…
There is water inside the post and the pot is submerged in water…
सो जोगी जाके मनमे मुद्रा
रात दिवस न करई निद्रा
The Yogi’s mudra is within him, he is awake in the day and also in the night…